Documents - Testimonies - Bibliography
Koschig's certificate | The renewed Koschig certificate |
A Summary of Frankie Hansen's citations and Distinctions #1 | A Summary of Frankie Hansen's citations and Distinctions #2 |
Silver Star Diploma | The American decorations of Frankie Hansen (from left to right) Siver Star Medal - Purple Heart - Good Conduct Medal - European - African - Middle - Eastern - Medal Campaign - World War 2 Victory - Army of Occupation Medal |
Article in the “Revue”, in 1947, on the occasion of Frankie Hansen's decoration with the Silver Star
page 1 | page 2 |
Article of "Republican Lorrain" newspaper, interview with Frankie Hansen
page 1 | page 2 |
page 3 | page 4 |
October 11, 1957 by Henry B. Kraft |
Andre Hohengarten; Vom Halbmond zum Ziegenkopf, Die Geschichte der Luxemburger Häftlinge in Lublin 1942-1945, Editions St. Paul1991
Andre Hohengarten, Marcel Engel ; Hinzert, Das SS-Sonderlager im Hunsrück 1939-1945, Editions St. Paul, 1983
Millard Ireland, Combat History of the First Batallion, 28th infantry regiment, 8th Division, 1945
Joseph Flies, Ettelbrück, Geschichte einer Landschaft Imprimerie St. Paul Luxembourg, 1970
Jean Milmeister, Die Viandener Miliz, eine luxemburgische Maquisarengruppe, Hemecht, 21. Jahrgang 1969, Heft 3, S 309-315,
Schicksalswege einer Kriegsgeneration, "Groupe de Recherche et d'Etudes sur la Guerre 1940-1945" G.R.E.G. Ettelbruck, Januar 2017,
Kriegserlebnisse von Frankie Hansen, Bulletin G.R.E.G. Edition Speciale, Septembre 2018
Conversations Frankie Hansen with his children, Frankie jr. and Sonia Hansen.